
  • Spiraling Beyond College

    Alive On Campus

    Shadows of The Past

    I recently found this article long forgotten in a box in my basement. I present for your consideration, the last article written by Pete Shaw for the Clarkson Integrator as part of the Alive on Campus Series. The article originally appeared on Page 3 of April 13, 1987 edtion of the Integrator. I remeber the church bells and my favorite color is blue, and that does matter

  • RKhunter Notes


    Rootkit Hunter (rkhunter) is a security monitoring tool. It scans for root kits and other basic vulnerabilities. To be effective it needs to be run on a system initially known to be in a good state, and then have ts properties updated after every system update.

  • Disable Core Dumps on Linux

    Steps to disable core dumps on Linux

  • Set Up Local Certificate Authority

    For a while now I have been wanting to set up a certificate authority (CA) to address the certificate needs of users and services internal to our home network. Today seems to be as good as nay other to take a first pass at doing this.

  • Upgraded Linux Mint 20.2 to 20.3 Using Terminal Only

    Alt Text

  • Grafana Install Via Salt

    Notes on installation and configuration of Grafana via Saltstack for future me. This a companion for a previous post, I covered how I istalled Prometheus and node_exporter on my machines via Salt. Grafana povides convienient dashboards through which to visualize data collected by Prometheus (and other tools).

  • Mastodon Comments For Jekyll

    I currently use Jekyll to generate my blog posts that you see hosted here. One thing I have wanted was to add a commenting system. Inspired by this recent toot by, and as I am a proponent of the Fediverse and a Mastodon user, I took a first stab at setting up comments collected the notes below.

  • Epiphany Is Upon Us

    Alt Text

  • A New Year Begins

    Alt Text

  • Install iTop on Odroid C2 Running Arch

    alt text

  • Prometheus Configuration

    This post will collect information on how I have configured Prometheus in case there is a need to rebuild or make changes in the future.

  • Public Key for Signing and Encrypting Email

    New public key for email encrytping and signing. This will be my primary key for the next 5 years.

  • Odds & Ends Notes

    Just a couple of notes on a couple of Raspberry Pi related things I don’t use often enough to remember and I am getting tired of having to look up every time I want to use one of them.

  • Net-SNMP Setup

    After a few years of neglect, I decided to go back through my networked devices and make sure net-snmp is installed consistetnly and more minimaly. Doing this let me return to using Cacti and provide a check against what Prometheus and Grafana are telling me.

  • Fio Benchmarking Graphs

    Just some sample fio benchmark job results graphs generated using fio2gnuplot tool. I did some minor editing of the generated gnuplot files to better match the autogenerated graphs to meet my needs.

  • Fio Baseline Profiles Improved

    This post just shows how I broke the fio job profile I’ve been using into smaller individual files and modified them to take device to test as an environment variable from the command line. There really is not much more to say, and my attention has turned to recovering an array damaged by an unintended power outage that was my own fault while tracing cables.

  • HPE H240 Controller Setup and Benchmarking

    Recently I picked up some new, though end of life, 3.5” Seagate 2TB (Exos 7E8 ST2000NM0045) hard drives and a refurbished HPE H240 controller to go with them. Over the past weekend I got around to installing the controller and drives into my computer and began set things up for the first time. Below are notes on what I did and discovered along the way, as setting up this hardware is new to me in practice if not theory.

  • Bash Change Directories without Using cd

    Whilst reviewing my Mastodon feed this morning, I came across a post from SK at OSTechNix which suggested it was possible to change directories in Linux without using the cd command. This was sufficient to catch my attention. I read the full article, made the adjustment to my .bashrc file and like the result so I decided to post as a reminder to future me, and create a salt state file to push out the change to all machines if I still like it in a week.

  • How To Rebuild Boost-Dependent Ecosystem Gentoo

    This morning after updating my Gentoo systems, I received the following message which was mysterious to me. Whilst I understand the overall concept of rebuilding the Boost-dependent ecosystem I did not know offhand the commands I would use to do the rebuild. This post documents my quest to identifiy the steps I will follow should I ever encounter an error message similar that in the message.

  • Audio Interconnections

    Audio cluster_Patch1 TEAC Patch 64 cluster_TEAC5 TEAC 5 Mixer cluster_MS1 Input 1 MS1 cluster_MS2 Input 2 MS2 cluster_MS3 Input 3 MS3 cluster_MS4 Input 4 MS4 cluster_MS5 Input 5 MS5 cluster_MS6 Input 6 MS6 cluster_MS7 Input 7 MS7 cluster_MS8 Input 8 MS8 cluster_MC1 Mix MC1 cluster_MC2 Mix MC2 cluster_MC3 Mix MC3 cluster_MC4 Mix MC4 cluster_Expander Expander ME1 cluster_Talkback Talkback MT1 cluster_teac1 TEAC 1 TASCAM Series cluster_ASEQ11 AudioSource EQ Eleven cluster_LTSL2 LT Sound SL-2 Stereo Limiter cluster_FOS3180 Fostex Reverb Unit 3180 cluster_ONKTAR240 Onkyo TA-R240 Cassette Deck cluster_DENPMA530 Denon PMA 530 MK II Pre-Main Amplifier cluster_TEAC808 TEAC 80-8 Reel to Reel cluster_PYLEPP999 Pyle PP999 Turntable Preamp cluster_TECCSL1200M2 Technics SL-1200MK2 Turntable cluster_TEACA3300SX2T TEAC A-3300SX-2T Reel to Reel cluster_AR2AX Acoustic Research AR-2ax Speakers cluster_SONOSZP80 Sonos ZP80 Zoneplayer PR01 PF01 PB01 PF02 PB02 PF03 PB03 PF04 PB04 PF05 PB05 PF06 PB06 PF07 PB07 PF08 PB08 PF09 PB09 PF10 PB10 PF11 PB11 PF12 PB12 PF13 PB13 PF14 PB14 PF15 PB15 PF16 PB16 PR01:f14--PR01:f15 68 PR02 PF17 PB17 PF18 PB18 PF19 PB19 PF20 PB20 PF21 PB21 PF22 PB22 PF23 PB23 PF24 PB24 PF25 PB25 PF26 PB26 PF27 PB27 PF28 PB28 PF29 PB29 PF30 PB30 PF31 PB31 PF32 PB32 ONB Line In ONIL ONIR Line Out ONOL ONOR PR01:b12--ONB:onil 14 TE8C Input Output TEI8 TEO8 TEI7 TEO7 TEI6 TEO6 TEI5 TEO5 TEI4 TEO4 TEI3 TEO3 TEI2 TEO2 TEI1 TEO1 PR01:b01--TE8C:tei1 48 PR01:b03--TE8C:tei5 52 PR01:b05--TE8C:teo1 56 PR01:b06--TE8C:teo5 60 PR02:f30--PR02:f31 69 PR03 PF33 PB33 PF34 PB34 PF35 PB35 PF36 PB36 PF37 PB37 PF38 PB38 PF39 PB39 PF40 PB40 PF41 PB41 PF42 PB42 PF43 PB43 PF44 PB44 PF45 PB45 PF46 PB46 PF47 PB47 PF48 PB48 PR02:b28--ONB:onir 15 PR02:b17--TE8C:tei2 49 PR02:b19--TE8C:tei6 53 PR02:b21--TE8C:teo2 57 PR02:b22--TE8C:teo6 61 PR03:f47--PR03:f48 64 PR03:f44--PR03:f46 66 PR04 PF49 PB49 PF50 PB50 PF51 PB51 PF52 PB52 PF53 PB53 PF54 PB54 PF55 PB55 PF56 PB56 PF57 PB57 PF58 PB58 PF59 PB59 PF60 PB60 PF61 PB61 PF62 PB62 PF63 PB63 PF64 PB64 PR03:b44--ONB:onol 16 PR03:b33--TE8C:tei3 50 PR03:b35--TE8C:tei7 54 PR03:b37--TE8C:teo3 58 PR03:b38--TE8C:teo7 62 PR04:f63--PR04:f64 65 PR04:f60--PR04:f62 67 PR04:b60--ONB:onor 17 PR04:b49--TE8C:tei4 51 PR04:b51--TE8C:tei8 55 PR04:b53--TE8C:teo4 59 PR04:b52--TE8C:teo8 63 S1I Access Send S Access Rcv R Direct Out Line In Mic In S1I:s12--PR01:b08 36 FRIB In Chan 2 FRI2B FRF2B In Chan 1 FRI1B FRF1B Input Feedback S1I:s1--FRIB:fri1b 08 FROB + Stereo Normal + Out Chan 2 FRO2L FRO2R Out Chan 1 FRO1L FRO1R S1I:r1--FROB:fro1l 10 S2I Access Send S Access Rcv R Direct Out Line In Mic In S2I:s22--PR02:b24 37 S2I:s2--FRIB:fri2b 09 S2I:r2--FROB:fro2l 11 S3I Access Send S Access Rcv R Direct Out Line In Mic In S3I:s32--PR03:b40 38 S3I:s3--S3I:r3 32 S4I Access Send S Access Rcv R Direct Out Line In Mic In S4I:s42--PR04:b56 39 S4I:s4--S4I:r4 33 S5I Access Send S Access Rcv R Direct Out Line In Mic In S5I:s52--PR01:b10 40 S5I:s5--S5I:r5 34 S6I Access Send S Access Rcv R Direct Out Line In Mic In S6I:s62--PR02:b26 41 S6I:s6--S6I:r6 35 S7I Access Send S Access Rcv R Direct Out Line In Mic In S7I:s72--PR03:b42 42 S7I:s7--S7I:r7 36 S8I Access Send S Access Rcv R Direct Out Line In Mic In S8I:s82--PR04:b58 43 S8I:s8--S8I:r8 37 M11 Echo Rcv Buss In Tape In Monitor Out Level L H Aux Out Line Out M11:m13--PR01:b02 44 M21 Echo Rcv Buss In Tape In Monitor Out Level L H Aux Out Line Out M21:m23--PR02:b18 45 M31 Echo Rcv Buss In Tape In Monitor Out Level L H Aux Out Line Out M31:m33--PR03:b34 46 M41 Echo Rcv Buss In Tape In Monitor Out Level L H Aux Out Line Out M41:m43--PR04:b50 47 E11 Expander Input Cue Echo Cue Out Echo Send Echo Rcv Normal Buss Aux In L R T11 Studio Feed R L Control Room R L Studio Feed Out Talkback Out Expander Solo Out T1CO Cue Out 8 Line In 8 Cue Out 7 Line In 7 Cue Out 6 Line In 6 Cue Out 5 Line In 5 Cue Out 4 Line In 4 Cue Out 3 Line In 3 Cue Out 2 Line In 2 Cue Out 1 Line In 1 T1CO:li1--PR01:b14 24 T1CO:li5--PR01:b16 28 T1CO:li2--PR02:b30 25 T1CO:li6--PR02:b32 29 T1CO:li3--PR03:b46 26 T1CO:li7--PR03:b48 30 T1CO:li4--PR04:b62 27 T1CO:li8--PR04:b64 31 T1LE Line Out L Line Out R Aux Out L Aux Out R Buss In L Buss In R ASAI Audio In L Audio In R Video In L Video In R Main Out L Main Out R T1LE:llo--ASAI:ail 22 T1LE:rlo--ASAI:air 23 AST2 Tape 2 In/Mon L Tape 2 In/Mon R Tape 2 Out/Rec L Tape 2 Out/Rec R AST1 Tape 1 In/Mon L Tape 1 In/Mon R Tape 1 Out/Rec L Tape 1 Out/Rec R ZPI Line In R L ASAI:mol--ZPI:zpil 00 ASAI:mor--ZPI:zpir 01 SLO Output Left L Output Right R DEBI Phono L R Tuner L R Aux L R Tape 1 PB L R Tape 1 REC L R Tape 2 PB L R Tape 2 REC L R SLO:slol--DEBI:deal 12 SLO:slor--DEBI:dear 13 SLI Input Left L Input Right R FROF Out Chan 1 FRO1F Out Chan 2 FRO2F FRIF In Chan 1 FRI1F In Chan 2 FRI2F DEBO Speakers System-A System-B Right + A+ B+ Right - A- B- Left + A+ B+ Left - A- B- DEBI:detr--PR01:b16 03 DEBI:detl--PR02:b32 02 TEAC Output R L In/Out DIN Input R L DEBI:det2ol--TEAC:teail 04 DEBI:det2or--TEAC:teair 05 DEBI:det2il--TEAC:teaol 06 DEBI:det2ir--TEAC:teaor 07 PYPP R L Phono In Line Out R L PYPP:pyor--PR03:b47 18 PYPP:pyol--PR04:b63 19 TECH Phono Out R L PYPP:pyir--TECH:tchor 70 PYPP:pyil--TECH:tchol 71 ARL Left Speaker R L ARL:ar1--DEBO:salp Speaker ARL:ar2--DEBO:salm Speaker ARR Right Speaker R L ARR:ar1--DEBO:sarp Speaker ARR:ar2--DEBO:sarm Speaker ZPO Line Out R L ZPO:zpol--SLI:slil 20 ZPO:zpor--SLI:slir 21 ZPOD Digital Out Optical Coax
  • Open Salt State Files to Enable/Disable Parallel Downloads for Pacman

    At the moment I have 13 Arch Linux ARM SOC devices. Today I learned pacman, as of version 6, supports parallel downloads for updates. By default this option is disabled. Since I uses Open Salt to manage configurations among other things, I decided to write a pair of Salt state files to enable the parallel download feature and to disable it if the need arises. Having the state files will also allow adjustment of how many parallel downloads will be allowed.

  • How I Got PeppyMeter Working with Volumio

    Volumio v3 with PeppyMeters

  • KVM on Gentoo Installation

    Notes and information on installing KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) and QEMU (Quick EMUlator) on a new Gentoo host.

  • Share Single Portage Instance Across Machines with NFS

    This post documents the steps I took to share the Portage instance one Gentoo machine across the other Gentoo machines I have using NFSv4. One machine syncs portage, all the other machines benefit. For purposes of this post, server will refer to the machine which holds and automatically sync portage for the local network, and client will refer to all of the other local Gentoo machines which will look to the server for Portage.

  • Setup Portage to Sync Daily

    Notes on how I set up Portage to sync on a daily basis, so that when I am ready to apply updates to Gentoo I can get right to it. The set up described below is specific to my own setup, but should be easily modified to suit the needs of other Gentoo configurations.

  • Gentoo (DL380) Additional Setup After First Boot

    As a follow up to my post on installing Gentoo on a “new” system, below are notes on the things I did after booting the server up for the first time. All of which are pretty basic things fore a headless systemd console machine.

  • Installing Gentoo on DL380 G8 BIOS-LVM-LUKS

    Gentoo up and Running

  • dd ISO File to USB Thumb Drive

    🔴IMPORTANT❗🔴 - Following the steps below could result in the non recoverable loss of data on a drive which is not your intent. Check, Check and Check again before hitting enter after any dd command.

  • Enabling Nested Virtualization in KVM

    I never thought I would have much use for enabling nested virtualization, but I came across this how to post, by Senthil Kumar, at the top of my Mastodon feed this morning and thought that I would give it a shot and try to address an issue on a Windows 10 VM where WSL2 would not start because nested virtualization was not enabled. TL;DR, the steps below resolved the issue.

  • Initial Setup Buffalo TeraStation Pro TS-RHTGL/R5

    I recently purchased a used, Arm based, Buffalo TeraStation from ebay. The purchasing experience went well and the device arrive five days earlier than ebay predicted. This post covers my initial impressions and some early configuration modifications. TS-RHTGL/R5

  • Network UPS Tools (NUT) Up and Running on Gentoo

    This post covers the steps I followed to get the Network UPS Tools project software, referred to as NUT for the rest of this post, running on one of my Gentoo machines in support of a CyberPower Systems OR1500LCDRT2U UPS. I am hoping the tasks below are repeatable for other UPS devices as I need to repeat the tasks below on a MintBox Mini 2 which is using another model of UPS. OR1500LCDRT2U

  • Renewed My FSF Membership

    After some reflection I have decided to again renew my support of the Free Software Foundation. I support free software, and I invite you to consider doing the same by visiting the FSF website.

    Powered by GNU

  • Gathering IP Geographic Information from CLI

    I came across this one-liner to get geographic location information for the IP address being used from the Linux command line, and wanted to make a note of it for future use.

    The Code and Results

    Requires curl or wget as presented below, obviously with modification would work with other tools as well.

  • Setting Up a Pixelfed Instance


  • Removing Packages the Right Way With Gentoo

    I’ve been using Gentoo for almost 17 years now, and noticed today that there is a new preferred method for removing packges. As old habits die hard, I thought I’d make a quick post with the steps so I can embrace change.

  • Librespeed an HTML5 Speed Tester

    Just a quick post about a free and open source alternative to Speedtest hosted at

  • Extend Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Partition Notes

    Notes on how to extend LVM partitions. I do this so infrequently that I forget how and have to look up the steps all the time. These are my own notes so that next time I will at least follow the same steps.

  • PostmarketOS SXmo Notes

    Simple X Mobile (SXmo) Notes

    Sxmo, or Simple X Mobile, is a collection of simple and suckless X programs and scripts used together to create a fully functional mobile UI adhering to the Unix philosophy for the Pinephone. You control the UI largely through using the Pinephone buttons (press different numbers of times quickly for different actions) and swipe gestures.1

    1. ( 

  • PostmarketOS Pmbootstrap Notes

    I recently received my Pine64 Pinephone PostmarketOS Community Edition phone. And while Phosh environment was nice, I wanted to explore other possibilities, and perhaps change to something a bit more lightweight and customizable. Alpine Linux is the foundation of PostmarketOS and is not something I am experienced with, but the Pinephone will boot from a Micro-SD card, so it is easy to try things out and decide what I like before committing it to the eMMC card in the device.

  • Setup nginx to serve site.

    How to add a new nginx site

  • Setting Up My Gopher Hole

    I have set up my own gopher hole, running on pygopherd. This post goes over how I got started and what I have learned so far. In the early 1990s I was a fairly heavy consumer of gopher based content, but I never hosted my own site or created my own content, until now.

  • Mayday LBRY Embed Test Post

    Happy May Day Y’all

  • Building Elder Signs Cluster - Part 4

    This is the fifth post in a serireis focussed on efforat to turn six Odroid-MC1 Solos into a PXE booted computer cluster on which to engage in further FOSS hijinks. The focus of the previous post was setting up a Docker Swarm. In this post we will look at setting up Portainer to provide a web browser based portal for managing the Docker Swarm.

  • Building Elder Signs Cluster - Part 3

    This is the fourth post in the continued effort to turn six Odroid-MC1 Solos into a PXE booted computer cluster on which to engage in further FOSS hijinks. The focus of this post will be getting a Docker Swarm set up.

  • Building Elder Signs Cluster - Part 2

    This is the third in the continued effort to turn six Odroid-MC1 Solos into a PXE booted computer cluster on which to engage in further FOSS hijinks. Previous post covered the steps involved in setting up the MicroSD cards to PXE boot the cluster nodes and mount root file system over NFS.

  • Building Elder Signs Cluster - Part 1

    The continued effort to turn six Odroid-MC1 Solos into a PXE booted computer cluster on which to engage in further FOSS hijinks. The last post documented the physical set up of the devices as well as the creation and basic configuration of an image on a MicroSD card that was capable of booting the device into a state which allowed remote connection to an MC1 node via ssh.

  • Building Elder Signs Cluster - Part 0

    How to turn six Odroid-MC1 Solos I found on sale for 9 dollars into a PXE booted computer cluster on which to engage in further FOSS hijinks.

  • Centralized Rsync Backups

    Making a post based on old notes on setting up backups, in the hopes of ensuring current validity, updating as needed and perhaps even monitoring. The inspiration for and original source of much of the information listed here can be found at MadHacking Backup System.

  • Getting OpenLDAP Running

    Since getting OpenLDAP was a bit of a struggle I thought I would take the time to document the process I went through to make things smoother should I need to do this again. This post draws heavily on some existing documents listed here:

  • Linux Client Kerberos Setup Notes

    At this point I have what seems to be a working KDC running on setback host, so it is not time to start configuring client on the KDC and on other Linux devices about the network.

  • Working Single KDC Linux

    My attempt to follow the steps here HOWTO: Kerberos for small networks, without LDAP or AD. Hopefully I will have a working Key Distribution Center solution for the farm when I am done, as the steps I am following are about twelve years old at this point.

  • Using Systemd-Analyze to Understand Boot Process

    Some handy tips for identifying the boot process of systemd based init devices. Specifically how to use systemd-analyze to identify slowest stating services and all of the dependencies of the system and user login processes.


    Systemd-analyze command is used to determine system boot-up performance statistics and other state and tracing information from the system and service manager, and to verify the correctness of unit files.

  • Shopping List for Project Chicken Run

    With spring, an influx of predators have been taking their toll on our existing chicken flock. With the looming introduction of new chicks to the exist flock, it has become evident we need a more secure roost and outdoor run for the chickens. This is the initial shopping list which will track costs and will be updated as additional items are identified.

  • Display GUI for Running VirtualBox Guest Without GUI from Command Line

    I tend to start most of my Virtual Box guests from the command line of console with detachable (–type separate) GUI, or with no GUI at all (–type headless). Today I found the need to do some work on a running virtual machine guest through a GUI and wanted to do this from the command line without restarting the guests and realized I didn’t know how.

  • Updating MacOS Using Salt

    For sometime now I have been maintaining Gnu/Linux machines using Saltstack, however I continued to apply updates to our Apple computers manually. Having finally grown tired of this tedious and time consuming manual task I decided to figure out how to update using Salt.

  • Miscellaneous Updates


    • Jen has a new shed for our chickens.
    • Taxes have been completed and filed.
    • Jen celebrated another birthday.
    • Lent is more than half over.
    • We have a lot of new chicks.
    • I still very much enjoy writing with a fountain pen.
    • Carmen’s soccer team is not undefeated this season, but at least their uniforms are red.
    • Michael wants to take another semester to graduate in order to get a B.S. degree rather than a B.A.
    • Elizabeth may come home in May.
    • Justin and Shawna may be coming to Nashville.
    • First Communion for Carmen in May.
    • We need a new wireless router, the one providing the bridge in my office likes to disconnect clients until rebooted.
    • Sent beer to Shane for fixing gov’t. services server that others including Microsoft failed to fix.
  • Notes on Upgrading Salt


    I wanted to bring all my salt minions up to the current release. Upgrading minions is not something I do frequently so I tend to forget the process, and this post is to collect my notes so the next time is easier or something I take the time to automate.

  • 78th Annual Brigade Boxing Championships

    Press Release

  • Managing VirtualBox from Command Line

    Why and How

  • Creating Config File for URLView

    Setting up a personal configuration firle for URLView

  • W3M Usage Notes

    Command Line Web Browsing

  • The Feast of the Epiphany at St. John Vianney

    The Feast of The Epiphany

  • URLView Installation from Source

    URL Handling in Terminals

  • Vim Spell Spell-Checking

    I’ve made an effort to shift to Vim as my one text editor for all occasions. One of the features I should make more use of is the spell-checker, but the commands and controls often slip my memory. I thought I would take a little time to write them all out in hope of improving my muscle memory.

  • Mute PulseAudio from Terminal with Amixer

    Silence Please

    From time to time while working on Linux machines remotely I have need to silence their audio output and not disturb or startle those near by who may be asleep or otherwise engaged. All the machines I work on rely on PulseAudio on top of Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ( ALSA ) for their audio output. While there are many GUI based solutions for controlling PulseAudio output, I am generally connected to the machines via ssh without X forwarding enabled, making use of local GUI based tools at best inconvenient.

  • Newsboat

    Not Enough Time

    There are a lot of websites out there I like to visit and catch up on, but frankly it takes a lot of time each one. As I find the time visiting multiple sites on a regular basis not well spent and prone to my own distraction and forgetfulness, the obvious solution seems RSS feed reader which bring the updates to me. I am going to forgo the use of a GUI tool for this and have decided to give Newsboat. Online documentation.

  • Happy New Year 3185

    Happy 3185

  • The Feast of the Holy Family at St. John Vianney

    The Feast of The Holy Family

  • A Visit From St. Nicholas

    St. Nicholas

  • Fourth Sunday of Advent at St. John Vianney

    Fourth Sunday in Advent

  • Third Sunday of Advent at St. John Vianney

    Third Sunday in Advent

  • Crossfire RPG Setup - A New Beginning

    Crossfire - The Multiplayer RPG

  • Second Sunday of Advent at St. John Vianney

    Second Sunday in Advent

  • Christmas Tree at Nashville City Hall

    Christmas Tree Photo

  • Vagrant Process as Graphviz Diagram

    I have bee using Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software more both at home and work in the hope of becoming more proficient in its use. As an exercise I have converted the Vagrant ordered list from /tech/todo/2014/11/11/thatwhichisgoingonnow.html post into the diagram below.

  • George H.W. Bush

    While I mostly remember president Bush as a disappointment after the presidency of Ronald Reagan, today, five days after his death, the United States is observing a day of mourning for its 41st president.

  • First Sunday of Advent at St. John Vianney

    First Sunday in Advent

  • Slowly Learning More Jekyll While Migrating Blosxom Posts

    Since last time…

  • It Was Twenty Two Years Ago Today

    On Prickle-Prickle, The Aftermath 42, 3162 YOLD, under the sign of Sagittarius, during the reign of US President Bill Clinton, in the northen New York town of Potsdam, one Jennifer Bonner did give her consent before God, family and friends to become my lawfully wedded wife at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, makring the happiest day of my life, and the beginning of a long journey up to today.

  • Join the Free Software Foundation


  • Welcome to Yidhra Farm v2.0!

    Welcome to the all new Yidhra Farm website v2.0. For now it will remain a static site generated using Jekyll. I don’t really care much about Ruby, but Jekyll seems a poppular solution with a vibrant community, and it never hurts to learn something new. My first focus will be carrying over blog posts from the old site and then I will work on enhancing the look of the site.

  • Turkey Sign

    The A.V. Club is the first to report that creator Joel Hodgson and stars Jonah Ray and Felicia Day are set to roll out a Thanksgiving parade of classic MST3K on Thursday, November 23. Beginning at noon ET/9 a.m. PT, the marathon will stream at shoutfactory and on the Shout Factory TV app, featuring six episodes never before seen during Shout!’s now-annual celebration of the quest to find (and, ultimately, improve) the worst movies ever made.

  • Minimal Ubuntu Image from Odroid Changes

    After downloading and flashing a new Ubuntu image from Odroid, complete the following steps:

  • IPTables Part The Second

    Slightly more than basic script, with important guards against attacks.

  • Minimal IPTables Ruleset

    ```bash #Minimal Iptables Rules

  • Setting Time Zone on XU4 from Ubuntu Command Line

    Another command I never can seem to remember and find myself searching for:

  • Odroid CloudShell with Systemd

    Goal: Create cloudshell.service Managed by Systemd

  • Learning BASH Scripting

    A nice collection of tutorials and other information for learning scripting using BASH (Bourne-Again SHell). Learning bash

  • Vim Tips and Tricks from Reddit

    Probably not for the new user. Tips & Tricks

  • What I have been working on of late...

    I have begun an effort to become more profficient at provisioning test and deveopment virtual machines using Vagrant and VirtualBox.

  • Vimdiff Keyboard Shortcuts

    That I always forget

  • Updating GNU bash on Apple OS X (Mavericks) with Homebrew

    Recently, I applied About OS X bash Update 1.0 to address CVE-2014-6271 and CVE-2014-7169, more commonly known as Shellshock. After applying, I ran Hanno Böck’s bashcheck script and was dismayed to discover my shell was still vulnerable to the exploit.

  • Essential Command Line Tools

    Essential CLI Software For Linux

  • Happy Birthday Elizabeth!


  • Make Bacon the Yidhra Way

    Curing and smoking your own bacon requires some effort and time, but results in a product far superior to the typical conveniently prepared bacon in most grocery stores.

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