I came across this one-liner to get geographic location information for the IP address being used from the Linux command line, and wanted to make a note of it for future use.

The Code and Results

Requires curl or wget as presented below, obviously with modification would work with other tools as well.

curl -s https://ifconfig.co/json|json_pp || wget -qO- https://ifconfig.co/json|json_pp

   "asn" : "AS16433",
   "asn_org" : "NCTC-ISP",
   "city" : "Portland",
   "country" : "United States",
   "country_eu" : false,
   "country_iso" : "US",
   "ip" : "",
   "ip_decimal" : 1249586795,
   "latitude" : 36.5686,
   "longitude" : -86.5142,
   "metro_code" : 659,
   "region_code" : "TN",
   "region_name" : "Tennessee",
   "time_zone" : "America/Chicago",
   "user_agent" : {
      "product" : "curl",
      "raw_value" : "curl/7.74.0",
      "version" : "7.74.0"
   "zip_code" : "37148"


Github via adnan360.